July 2019 Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

Mohawk Valley Friends Meeting for worship with concern for business Sunday, July 7th, 2019,

Attending were: Isabelle Haines, clerk, Elisabeth Prenot, Ami Corleto-Bales, and David Corleto-Bales, recording clerk.

The meeting began with a gathered silence.

There was an acknowledgment of the original Haudenosaunee ownership of the land where the meeting house sits.

The minutes from the June 2nd business meeting were read and approved.

The Peacemaker Prize for 2019 was given to Clinton High School student Kimberly Rivera. The prize was presented by Liseli Haines on June 5th.

Treasury Report, was presented by Alexander Haines-Stephan in absentia,

   a. Checking, $665.56

   b. Savings, $3,221.73

   c. Peaceweek, $3,261.73

   d. Expenses, $216.84

   e. NYSEG, $26.84

   f.  Mirabito, $90.00

   g. Mirabito pre-pay, $100.00

   h. Donations, $510.00

First Day Ad Hoc Committee Report–
 a. The goal is to have a First Day school class every week instead of once a month

   b. Practice for settling in silence.

   c. Baskets full of material to be created in case a substitute has to teach the class.

   d. Discernment asked for Friends who could serve as teachers. Three teachers have already volunteered.

Interfaith Luncheon–

    It was decided that the meeting at this time was not ready to host the Interfaith Luncheon for August or September. Elisabeth will look into whether or not it is possible for us to book the luncheon to be held at the meeting house at a date far into the future so that it could be better planned.

Building and Grounds Report–

    The summer workday will be at the rise of meeting on Sunday, July 14th. Friends were encouraged to send ideas for tasks to Liseli.

Interfaith coalition will have a panel discussion about religions and other organizations that are “built around peace.” They are looking for volunteers to talk about this subject. Elisabeth volunteered to be on the panel but asked for some assistance to prepare. Some resources for her were suggested. The panel will meet between Sept. 14th and the 22nd, but the exact date has not yet been set.

The meeting ended in shared silence.

Approved August 4th 2019 

June 2019 Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

Mohawk Valley Friends Meeting Business Meeting June 2nd, 2019

*In attendance were Isabelle Haines, clerk, Alexander Haines-Stephan, Liseli Haines, Ami Corleto-Bales, Scott Ferguson , Jeane Smith,Elisabeth Prenot, David Corleto-Bales, recording clerk.

The meeting began with a gathered silence.

Liseli Haines gave an acknowledgement of the Haudenosaunee stewardship of the land where the meeting house sits.

The recording clerk read the minutes from the May 5th business meeting, and they were approved.

The Treasurer’s Report was read by the recording clerk:

   Checking account, $312.40

   Savings account, $3,121.08

   Peaceweek, $3,761.03

   Expenses, $215.21

       NYSEG, $25.21

       Mirabito Propane, $90.00

       Mirabito Propane pre-pay, $100,00

   Donations, $20.00

Building and Grounds Report by Liseli Haines.
Gravel was added to the front of the driveway.No work day for spring added yet.  If there are tasks that Friends desire to be added to the workday agenda, contact Liseli. Ami volunteered to make a list of necessary jobs.

The First Day School ad-hoc Committee has no report. First meeting will be Monday, June 10th.

The Quarterly Meeting in spring next year will be held at the Unadilla Friends Church in Unadilla Forks on Sunday, May 17th, 2020.. A program needs to be created. If anyone has any ideas, there may be a small amount of money available for a speaker.

   *The fall Quarterly Meeting will be on Saturday and Sunday, September 13th-14th at the White Eagle Conference Center in Hamilton. 

   *The January Quarterly Meeting will be Sunday, January 19th, 2020 at Butternuts.

Peacemaker Prize for 2019, Clinton High School.
*Will be presented by Liseli Haines on June 5th at the Senior Awards Ceremony at 6 p.m. at Clinton Central School.

*Ami requested a short write up on the person for Facebook.

     *Liseli gave a short history of the scholarship. It is now $500. 

    There is not currently enough funds in our checking account to cover the cost of the scholarship. 

6.2.2019.1 – Friends approved $500 to be moved from the Peaceweek savings account to the checking account to cover this year’s Peacemaker Scholarship as a one-time transfer. At the end of the financial year, any balance up to $500 in the checking account will be transferred back to the Peaceweek savings account. 

Interfaith Luncheon. The MVFM has an opportunity to host the monthly Interfaith Luncheon on either the first Wednesday in August, (August 7th) or the first Wednesday in September, (September 4th). After discussion there was no sense of the meeting and the matter was deferred to the next business meeting.

   *The next Interfaith Luncheon will be at the First Presbyterian Church on Genesee Street in Utica from 11:30 to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, June 5th, Elisabeth has been regularly attending these luncheons.

A proposal was made that for the remainder of the summer, whomever is the greeter will also open the door, crack the windows and at the end of meeting unplug the teapot, wash the dishes, etc. This would take pressure off of the Building and Grounds Committee who do this the rest of the year. This was approved for June, July and August.

Liseli reported that the MVFM has 17 current members and one youth, not including attenders. 

The Advocacy Team has a meeting at 2:30 on June 2nd and is working to end the authorization of military force doctrine.

The next business meeting will be on Sunday, July 7th.

The meeting ended in a gathered silence.

Approved 7/7/2019