October 2019 Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

Sunday, October 6th, 2019.

In attendance were Isabelle Haines, clerk; Alex Haines-Stephan, treasurer; Elisabeth Prenot; Scott Ferguson; Jeanne Smith; and David Corleto-Bales, recording clerk.

The business meeting began with a gathered silence.

There was an acknowledgement of the original ownership of the Haudenosaunee people of the land where the meeting house sits.

Alex Haines-Stephan read the minutes from the MVFM business meeting of September 1st, 2019. They were approved.

Friends heard the revised vision statement that was made by Buffy Curtis and Liseli Haines. There were six statements, all using the word “envision.”  Friends proposed that the vision statement could be read at the beginning of each business meeting to remind the meeting of the envisioned path. Friends suggested the addition of “measurable goals” to be linked to the vision statement so that any progress in the six areas can be noted and those outcome assessments can be presented during the monthly business meetings.

Friends proposed that the next potluck, (Sunday, Oct. 20th) would be a good time to discuss the mission statement answering the question of “Who are we and what do we want people to know about us?”

Friends heard the treasurer’s report from Alex Haines-Stephan:

   a) Checking, $370.90

   b) Savings, $2,584.87

   c) Peaceweek, $3,263.81


   a) NYSEG, $35.12

   b) Mirabito Pre-pay, $100.00

   c) Insurance, $982.00

   d) Donations, $148.00

    *It was noted that the meeting has not paid the $800 covenant donation or any other donations this year.

There was no building and grounds report.

Friends heard about the Sept. 30th discussion group. It was a good discussion about the topic, “What were our original operating instructions?” The next meeting and topic have not yet been set.

The May Quarterly Meeting will be held at the Unadilla Friends Church hosted by Our meeting. If Unadilla chooses a topic, then the MVFM would need to come up with a program. Liseli will inquire of the UFM about what topics they are interested in and what format they would like.

The next MVFM business meeting was set for Sunday, November 3rd. 

The business meeting ended with a gathered silence.

Approved 11/3/2019