April 2019 Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

April 7, 2019

Present: Isabelle Haines, Clerk; Mark Hemendiger; David Corleto-Bales, recording clerk; Ami Corleto-Bales; Mary Ellen Blakey; Barbara Gold; and Elisabeth Prenot.

The meeting began with the acknowledgement of the original Haudenosaunee ownership and stewardship of the land where the meeting house sits, and a gathered silence.

The minutes from the March 3rd business meeting were read and approved.

In absentia Treasurer’s Report, (from Alex Haines-Stephan)

 a. Checking account–438.00
 b. Savings account–2,919.82
 c. Peace week–3,759.45
 d. Expenses–215.56; i) 90.00, Mirabito Propane, ii) 100.00 Mirabito pre-pay, iii) 25.56 NYSEG
 e. Donations–20.00
There was no information regarding the link for the PayPal account that was set up by the treasurer in this report.

Building and Grounds Report, from Mark Hemendiger:

Six mouse traps were set to deal with the problem of mice in the meeting house; one mouse was caught. Little evidence of mice in the meeting house has been found of late, since the weather has improved.

Friends were reminded to lower the toilet seat so that mice won’t drown in the toilet bowl.
A spring work day will be set at a future date. Probably in May.

The State of the Meeting Report summary, by Buffy Curtis, was read by Elisabeth Prenot. Friends approved the summary with a few edits. The clerk will submit the approved summary.

Advocacy Team Meeting, will be on April 14th, at John Bailey’s house in Hamilton, at 3:30.
    a. On Thursday, April 18th, the Advocacy Team will be meeting with Rep. Anthony Brindisi in Utica to ask him to vote to rescind the 2001-02 “AUMF” bill, (Authorization for Use of Military Force) that was been invoked 30 times in the last 18 years.
    b. The Advocacy team will also meet will the staffs of Sen.Chuck Schumer and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s on the afternoon of the same day to discuss the same issue.

Visions and Desires for the Future which were discussed in the last few months during discernment of the state of our Meeting will be addressed through working groups and ad hoc committees.

It was proposed that First Day School will be the first desire to be addressed.      Elisabeth Prenot, Isabelle Haines, and Ami Corleto-Bales volunteered to form an ad hoc committee to make a plan for a weekly First Day School program.

A proposal was made for the meeting to host a screening of a documentary film, ”The Last Refuge”, about the role of immigrants in the rehabilitation of Utica. This film screening could serve as an outreach and be open to the public. Ami Corleto-Bales will contact the filmmakers about this.

“Next Door Clinton”, which is a community event forum for the village of Clinton and surrounding area could be used to offer the use of the meeting house for outside groups. Mark Hemendiger will look into this.

Religion Presentation at Utica College;
        a. There will be a presentation of various religious faiths at U.C.’s Newman Center on Tuesday, May 7th at 4:30 p.m.

        b. Elisabeth Prenot was asked to present her Quaker beliefs in response to student questions. Isabelle Haines will accompany her.  Friends approved this.

Potluck was confirmed for Sunday, April 21st after meeting.

The next business meeting was set for Sunday, May 5th.

The business meeting ended with gathered silence.

Minutes read and approved 5/5/2019

March 2019 Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

March 3, 2019

In attendance: Isabelle Haines, Alex Haines-Stephan, Elisabeth Prenot, Buffy Curtis, Ami Corleto-Bales, David Corleto-Bales

The meeting started with a gathered silence.

An acknowledgement to the Oneida Indians and their stewardship of the land where the meeting house sits was given

The minutes from the February business meeting were read and approved with some corrections.

Treasurer’s Report by Alex Haines-Stephan:

a) The checking account: 653.46
b) The savings account: 2,819.21
c) Peaceweek: 758.65
d) Expenses for the month: i) 25.86 NYSEG, ii) 90.00 Mirabito, iii) 100.00 Mirabito pre-pay
e) Donations: +860,00

*It was clarified that any shortfalls in the checking account will be covered by the savings account, which kicks in automatically to cover any deficit.

*The treasurer researched different methods by which people could set up automatic donations through services such as PayPal or Venmo. It was found that no service operated without taking some of the money as a fee.

*Automatic bank transfers usually produce a paper check, that while generated automatically, is mailed to the meeting and must then be deposited in the bank.

*It was decided that the treasurer should set up a PayPal, which is free to set up.

**Minute 2019.03.1 – Friends approve creating a Pay Pal account in the Meeting’s name for the receiving of donations.**

Building and Grounds Report

On the subject of the mice in the meeting house, it was decided in an informal meeting that humane traps were not very humane if they could not be checked daily, and so it was decided that kill traps were the best option, and they will be set up.

Undocumented teenager from Clinton;

a) A high school student who is undocumented is living in Clinton with his brothers, and MVFM has been asked on his behalf for some assistance. Friends are invited to discern what support they can give to this family.

Queries to the New York Yearly Meeting;

a) Last year’s query summary was read.
b) There were some corrections and clarifications made in the notes from the query discussions from January and February.
c) It was approved that Buffy Curtis will summarize the notes and submit it to the yearly meeting.

There was a discussion about the wishes for the future and whether one or more wish should be read at every business meeting; also, whether or not some of the wishes require a committee or ad hoc committee, (for example, First Day School.)

Future approved minutes of business meetings will be archived on Google Drive so that a more complete record can be reviewed.

**Minute 2019.03.2 – Friends approved the clerk creating a shared Google Drive for the archival minutes.**

Hamilton College meeting.  This meeting at Hamilton College meets the first Tuesday of every month.  The question was asked whether or not the MVFM wants to be involved with it.  No definitive answer was discerned.

Business meeting minutes; it was agreed that business meeting minutes should be read and approved at the conclusion of the business meeting, and any corrections of clarifications made at that time; Isabelle will talk to the recording clerk to assist in reaching this goal.

The date of the next business meeting will be Sunday, April 7th

Meeting closed with silent worship.

Minutes read and approved 4/07/2019

Mohawk Valley Friends Meeting (MVFM) – State of the Meeting 2018-2019

Following the Advices and Queries of the Yearly Meeting State of Society Committee, over the past year and how MVMM members and attenders met over two months for potluck and conversation of how our meeting has fared over the past year and expressed our hopes and desires for the coming year. Our thoughts are gathered below:

Query #1: “How are we making Friend’s testimonies a part of your meeting?”

     Related to simplicity, MVFM has generally tried to keep rules and regulations to a minimum. Our Meeting House is simple and yet welcoming with comfy chairs and a fireplace warming us especially in winter. Our children’s play school and First Day progam in the basement is filled with toys, books and play things to provide an enjoyable space for our increasing youngsters in attendance. Most Friends and attenders try to live their lives in conscious simplicity and awareness, and attenders and seekers are drawn by our principles and practices related to our testimonies.
   In other aspects, there has been continuing active outreach to indigenous groups by meeting members lead by that ministry;  the Sanctuary Committee has met several times over the past two years in order to formulate strategies to assist people impacted by the current administration’s policies; the Friends Committee on National Legislation advocacy team has been very active in meeting with elected officials and their staffs, here in the Mohawk Valley and in Washington, D.C. and includes Friends from our neighboring Hamilton Quaker Meeting as well. Our Interfaith presence is being carried by one or two members and we successfully hosted the monthly potluck lunch to help introduce ourselves to the group. The MV Friends Meeting has also continued giving out a Peacemaker Award annual scholarship to a local student that best represented their commitment to peace.
     The meeting has gotten bigger and more regularly attended in the last year, with many thanks to thoughtful attention to our website and regular social media presence (FB page). The energy and expertise brought to this effort by some of our “younger” members is a great joy! The outreach program on social media has been successful in promoting Sunday worship and our monthly potluck lunch. As a group, the “20 – 30 Somethings” have been meeting monthly for their own community building potlucks, as individuals and families. The friendship bonding is evident in our First Day meetings as well.
   The MV Meeting has tried to take into consideration the most ethical and sustainable way to heat and provide hot water to the meeting house.

Query #2: “Where does the meeting want to be in one year?”

    The discussion of February 17th had the following statements given as to where we wanted the meeting to be in the next year: 1) we want the meeting house to be used more often, by our meeting as well as by any outside groups that needed the space.  2) We want First Day School and children’s program to have some sort of weekly curriculum; currently it meets once a month. 3) We want to become more financially solvent, with ideas suggested about some type of event, (a movie, dinner, lunch, picnic) that could possibly raise money as well as provide information about Quakers, etc. 4) we want to continue and accelerate community outreach attempts including attracting more families with children.  5) we desire more adult religious education 6) we would like to see more fellowship opportunities in the next year.

In all, MVFM appears to be still seeking the Light both within and without. As we do so, our efforts and energies are rewarded by deeper connections, a greater presence in our wider communities and a true sense of belonging and kinship with each other. It is a definitive “way forward” into the Spirit and the Light!