September 2019 Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

Sunday, September 1, 2019

(In attendance was Isabelle Haines, clerk, Liseli Haines, Elisabeth Prenot, Buffy Curtis, Ami Corleto-Bales, David Corleto-Bales, recording clerk)

The meeting began in a gathered silence.

There was an acknowledgement of the original ownership of the land where the meeting house sits by the Haudenosaunee people.

The minutes of the last business meeting of Sunday, August 4th were read and approved.

Friends received the treasurer’s report in absentia:
 a) Checking, $1,134.02  b) Savings, $3,484.35  c) Peaceweek, $3,262.43

 Expenses were as follows:
a) NYSEG, $42.41 b) Mirabito pre-pay, $100 c) Mirabito for the year, $938.79

Donations were $50.

     It was noted that the insurance bill has come but has not yet been paid.

Friends received the building and grounds report. All light bulbs in the meeting house have been replaced with LED lights and friends are asked if they want to plant anything on the grounds to talk to Mark Hemendiger.

Friends considered the question of creating a fundraising ad hoc committee. Alex 

Haines-Stephan volunteered to be a financial consultant. This will be brought up at next month’s meeting.

Friends received a letter from Ami Corleto-Bales requesting for membership in the meeting, and also for her son, Samuel Corleto-Bales. Alex Haines-Stephan and Elisabeth Prenot will be on the clearness committee and an e-mail will be sent to find additional members willing to be on the committee. This will be brought to the next business meeting.

Friends approved a request from the Indivisible Mohawk Valley’s “Defund Hate” rally to add the name of the meeting to a list of sponsors. The rally will be Friday, September 13th at the Oneida Square roundabout at 5 p.m.

Friends agreed that the “vision statements” for the MVFM should be reworded. Buffy Curtis and Liseli Haines will work on editing the statements.

Friends heard a letter from the Mohawk Valley Interfaith Council announcing a book discussion group that will be held at the Dunham Library in Whitesboro on the third Monday of every month from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. It will start on October 21st.

Friends heard a proposal to start a once a month discussion group which will examine a query, a book, etc. A date was not set for this possible group meeting at this time.

Friends were asked by the clerk for a volunteer to send out e-mail newsletters or announcements.

The next business meeting was set for Sunday, October 6th.

The business meeting ended in a gathered silence.

Approved October 6, 2019