February 2019 Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business

February 3, 2019

Present: Isabelle Haines (clerk); Mark Hemendiger, Alex Haines-Stephan, Mira Haines, Barbara Gold, Mary Ellen Blakey, David Corleto-Bales (recording clerk)

Meeting began with gathering silence and the acknowledgement of the Oneida native people’s stewardship of the land.

Reading of the minutes from the Jan. 6th Business Meeting: two corrections were made: the $46.33 from the January treasurer’s report was for the NYSEG bill.  2.) Buffy Curtis stepped down as co-clerk, (as did Mark Hemendiger). The minutes were accepted with the corrections.

Treasurer’s Report by Alex:

 a) Checking account: $9.31
 b) Savings account: $2,718.68
 c) Peaceweek: $3,757.92
 d) Expenses: $415.50
 e) NYSEG: $25.50
 f) Mirabito Propane: $90.00
 g)Mirabito Propane for pre-pay: $100,00
 h) Scholarship: $200.00
  i) Donations: $50.00

  *The question was asked by the treasurer about what to do if the meeting can’t meet its monthly expenses. The Mirabito propane payment has been set up to be automatic, and if not enough money is in the account, it will automatically deduct the necessary money out of the savings account.

   *The budget for 2019 was increased by a thousand dollars because of the pre-payfor propane for heating.

   *Some options were discussed, such as selling subscriptions.  Some deficit spending was approved. The matter will be revisited in a few months to see whether or not the checking account is in deficit.

Building and Grounds Report by Mark

    *It was attempted to clear the ramp using the snowblower, however, because the extremely low temperatures had turned the snow into solid ice, it was not successful.  

    *The meeting agreed to order new wood for the fireplace.

    *There was a discussion of what to do about mice in the meeting house.  A humane solution was suggested, but no clear strategy was come up with.  It was deferred to the committee to come up with options to present to the next business meeting.

2019.02.1 Memorial minute for Ibby Chiquoine was read and approved.  (See attachment.)

A reminder was made of the State of the Meeting queries.  The next query, “Where do we want to be going as a meeting?” will be discussed at the next potluck, which will be the third Sunday of the month, February 17th.

World Religions Panel at MVCC will be April 3rd.  On January 7th, information was sent to Taylor Decker at MV but there has been no subsequent follow-up from MVCC’s side.

York Fund; there is money available for aiding Quakers in their education.  Traditionally it was for formal schooling, but now is open for workshops and other classes related to Quaker education.  Various examples were given.

The next business meeting was set for Sunday, March 3rd.

The meeting ended in silent worship.

Approved March 3, 2019