August 2019 Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

Mohawk Valley Friends Meeting for worship with attention to business

Sunday, August 4th, 2019. 

Present: Liseli Haines, Ami Corleto-Bales, David Corleto-Bales (recording clerk), Alex Haines-Stephan(Treasurer), and Isabelle Haines (clerk.)

The business meeting began with a period of silent worship.

Acknowledgement: There was a reading of the acknowledgement of the original Haudenosaunee ownership of the land where the meeting house is located.

Minutes of July: The minutes of the July 7th business meeting were read and approved.

Building and Grounds Report: Friends reported that the July 14th work day was very successful and the grounds and meeting house were cleaned up and maintained. A question regarding the visibility of the meeting house’s sign was raised, as whether or not its visibility to the road could be increased. Town regulations indicate that it cannot be too close to the road.

Treasury Report: $1,432.43 is in the checking account, $3,322.42 is in the savings account, $3262.43 is in the Peaceweek account, the expenses were $133.13, which included $33.13 for the NYSEG bill and $100 for the MIrabito pre-pay. Donations for the month were $900.  Friends affirmed the Mirabito pre-pay agreement that has been going on for ten months and approved the use of the extra money from this, (approximately $260) to be used for the Covenant donation to the yearly meeting.

Summer Sessions: Friends reported that eight members attended the summer sessions at Silver Bay, which is nearly half of the members. Some of the sessions discussed funding issues. The pay-as-led policy succeeded. Registration for next year’s summer sessions will begin in January or February.

Fundraising Committee: It was proposed that an ad hoc fundraising committee be created, but Friends decided that this should be deferred to a future business meeting that had more people attending.

Next Business Meeting: The next meeting will be on Sunday, September 1st.

 The meeting ended in a gathered silence.

Approved 9/1/19